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Rules for using Ryedale Dog Field


We are delighted to be able to offer the use of Ryedale Dog Field to the local community to use with their dogs more or less however they wish.  As well as exercising your dog you are welcome to bring your dog trainer or behaviourist during your time slot.  The secure, yet freedom feel of the field provides the ideal location to train and teach your dog safely. There are however a few rules we ask all the members to abide by in order to make using the field a pleasant experience for all our members and canine friends.




  • You must only use the field if you have booked a time slot

  • Please wait in your car or well away from the entrance if you are on foot so the previous booking can leave the field. 

  • Please ensure you leave the field promptly so the next member can have access.  Your timeslot does include getting your dog(s) back into your vehicle/away from the field to prevent interference with the next user.

  • Dogs must be kept on a lead until safely in the secure field

  • You must pick up after your dog, a bin is provided to dispose of poo bags

  • You may amend your booking at any time.  You will not be issued with a refund, but book another time slot to suit you

  • Please note there are no toilets available on site

  • Please make sure you have read the Terms & Conditions prior to using Ryedale Dog Field

  • Please use common sense and act with consideration for other members




With regards to bio-security the risks of using the field is the same as going for any other normal dog walk.  We cannot guarantee that all dogs exercised in the field have been vaccinated.  Equally the same applies for natural issues such as ticks and grass seeds.  The risk of ticks is very low as the field has been freshly seeded in 2017 however there is still a low risk.


Please take care when using Ryedale Dog Field, the ground maybe uneven in places.



The Owner(s)/Supervisor(s) of the dog(s) use Ryedale Dog Field and associated areas at their own risk.  The management does not accept liability for any accident, injury, misadventure or damage to person, animal or property however so incurred.

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